The walkers have arrived in Huntly where they will remain until Sunday. Heather has a blister under her toenail which has proved effective as a high-pressure water pistol, ejecting blister fluid far enough to hit a distant target (like another walker) if aimed carefully. (WARNING: photo is digitally enhanced)
They are experiencing a sad lack of cheese on their journey, but don't worry - they are eating more than just the blackberries and raw onions they find along the way. They have lots of muesli bars, nuts, scroggin, vege chips, choccy etc. for the daytime while walking and have had loads of fresh soymilk, organic veg, brown rice and bread, beans, hummus, and other nourishing goodies. A lot of their food has been donated by Ceres Wholefoods to whom they are eternally grateful. They have just arrived in Huntly and are visiting the public library. A radio announcer was heard to whinge that the walkers were bludgers because they weren't working. The main differences between their work and that radio announcer's is that the walker's work is harder, more important and voluntary.
They invite the radio announcer to join them and find out. It is no holiday.
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